This story is over 5 years old.


Can We Beat 'Zelda: Breath of the Wild' With Only 3 Lives?

Introducing Permadeath, a new video series where we play games within games. Terrifying ones.

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We've been pretty vocal about our enjoyment of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild here at Waypoint. Austin has written about the game holistically, I love its open design and DIY pacing, and Mike appreciates the smart map design.

Now, we're using the game to debut a new video series (Permadeath!), where we take a game and impose some extra-special rules on it to make things even more interesting. For Breath of the Wild, Austin has three lives to get as far as he possibly can in the game, and after that… the playthrough is over, forever.

This adds pressure, anxiety, a massive sense of stakes to the whole proceedings. It also, as you'll see in this video, makes him especially susceptible to poisonous jokes. They're even more dangerous than massive cliffs and deadly monsters!

This is also a collaborative process! Each week, we'll be adding a new rule—and more weight on Austin's back—by adding community-voted difficulty modifiers. You can vote for the next installment's special feature right here, and show Austin just how much you hate love him.

Check back next week for the second nail-biting, teeth-gnashing episode of Permadeath!