This story is over 5 years old.


Get Some Good Advice from 'A Little Birdy' in This Tiny Game

‘A Little Birdy’ is short, sweet, and expressive.
All images captured courtesy Becklespinax

There is something very satisfying to me about very, very small games that express a coherent tone. A Little Birdy is a humble project: made in 4 hours, in the wonderful Bitsy Game Maker (a tool for making simple games), for Self Care Jam 2, and it is wonderful. You are a little bird, and you fly around its 8-bit landscapes, talking to other animals—and sometimes, celestial objects—for advice.

Every animal or creature expresses an actual worldview, and offers you some advice on life and living. The bees assure you they will always be there. The moon will never leave, even when it appears to be gone. The dog is very concerned about wolves.

It’s small, it’s spare, but it works.

You can play the game in browser on its page.

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