This story is over 5 years old.


Stretch Your Waistcoat and Your Brain in This Free Game

Listen, someone has to help these rich patrons into their dinner chairs. May as well be you.

The Ludum Dare game jam has been the oyster from which countless indie game pearls have emerged over the years. Crafted over the course of a single weekend by individuals and small teams, these games are based on themes selected by the community and shared freely when completed. Some of the most clever concepts in indie gaming have been born from Ludum Dare projects, making the event fertile ground for players looking for something different as much as for developers looking to practice and experiment.


The Maître D' is a choice example of how rewarding a dig through Ludum Dare-inspired projects can be. Created with a 6 person team over the course of 72 hours for Ludum Dare 35, this short puzzle platformer is based on the theme of shapeshifting, but (if you'll pardon the pun) it takes that theme in some interesting directions.

Acting as the titular maître d', you start out by simply scooping patrons up onto your head and escorting them to their seats. Once everyone's seated the exit unlocks and you're free to (presumably) slip out the back for a well deserved smoke in the alley.

Things escalate when expanding and contracting are introduced into the mix, requiring you to extend and contort to reach patrons perched on nearby ledges and across spike traps, as well as the lotion bottles tucked away in narrow spaces that allow you to stretch yourself even further. Why lotion bottles? Look, don't worry about it. The point is that what initially presents as a straightforward puzzle game ends up escalating, tying itself in knots it the best way possible.

It can take a little experimentation to work out the basic tricks to maneuvering around the levels, but that experimentation is a joy. With flailing arms, kicking legs, and the occasional put-out grunt or grumble, the maître d's expressiveness adds a lot of character to the process. Combined with the clean and colorful art it's incredibly easy to forget that this endearing game is the product of six people and a single weekend, even if it is short.

You can download The Maître D' free on for Windows, Mac and Linux.