
Monthly Horoscope: Cancer, January 2024

Relationships are evolving this month, Cancer!

You’re focused on your relationships, able to see yourself through others’ eyes as the sun moves through your chart's relationships sector from December 21. Winter is a time for connection and for maintaining your relationships, dear Cancer.

Promises are made—or broken—as love planet Venus clashes with serious Saturn on January 1. Your commitment to your beliefs or political stance is played out in your day-to-day interactions. Look out for delays or miscommunications when it comes to your work or other daily habits as Mercury retrograde ends on January 1. This provides a pause to reconsider what you’d like to work on in the coming year.


Relationships get spicy when action planet Mars enters Capricorn on January 4. Others are a source of strength and motivation; consider who you’re fighting for. Keep a photo of them handy to get you out of bed in the dark morning.

Be sure you’re reading instructions all the way through, setting alarm clocks correctly, and communicating your availability clearly when Mercury clashes with hazy Neptune on January 9 for the third time (think back to November 27 and December 27). People are hearing what they want to hear. Staying objective is a challenge, but there are some things in life that you can more easily fact check. 

On January 9 you’re able to see an exciting and unprecedented future as the sun harmonizes with Uranus, the planet of surprise and innovation. Your relations open you to possibilities you never expected to access. Also on January 9, Mars connects with Saturn, which can find you pushing the limits and boundaries of your relationships, exploring how far things can go, and persisting despite all odds!


The new moon falls in your chart’s house of relationships on January 11, opening and closing a cycle. This could mean new faces entering your life, or opportunities for your current relationships to take on a different form. Connections can be a source of excitement and give you a lot of ideas about what the uncertain future holds, since this new moon harmonizes with Uranus.

A joint slay takes place as Mars harmonizes with Jupiter on January 12, signifying a successful execution. Someone might call on you to step up and show the world how it’s done. It’s possible that haters, opposers, and naysayers (you know exactly who) motivate you to improve and be your greatest.

Mercury, the planet of communication, re-enters Capricorn on January 13, resurfacing conversations from December 1. This time Mercury is direct (not retrograde), so you’ve had time to think about practical implications, and are ready to answer with more insight and assurance.

You can be approached with more sympathy as the sun connects with Neptune on January 15. If you want to make your case, make a wish, or ask for what you want, go ahead! People will see the vision and buy into whatever you’re trying to sell, so to speak. Empathy is running high, so emotional, spiritual connection is made simple, and deep bonding can take place.


Mercury connects with Saturn, the planet of rules and restrictions, for the third time on January 18, recalling conversations about shared responsibilities and other people’s expectations from December 2 and 21. An agreement between you and another party is settled, with consideration. Legal or government documents may be filed.

A sense of optimism and open-mindedness about your future and your success returns as Mercury harmonizes with Jupiter for the third time on January 19, echoing events, conversations, or exchanges from December 7 and 18. People are sensitive as Venus clashes with Neptune on January 19, representing an emotional or aesthetic event that changes what you value and idealize in relationships. Whatever you sense can be discussed openly and realistically, as communication flows with ease.

You get a brilliant look at something hidden and taboo as the sun meets with power planet Pluto on January 20. You have a strong grasp of your patterns and behavioral loops in relationships; what keeps coming up. Power dynamics in relationships are revealed and observed with honesty and integrity.

Also on January 20, Aquarius season begins as the sun moves into your chart’s house of intimacy and shared resources. Get a sense for how deep pockets are as Pluto, the planet of hidden resources, enters the financial sector of your chart related to scholarships, grants, gifts, debts, and taxes (shared resources).


Love planet Venus enters your chart’s house of partnerships on January 23, which can connect you to what you value and desire in relationships, and bring social harmony in all forms of partnerships.

The full moon in fire sign Leo lights up your chart’s house of money and personal resources on January 25, showing that you have plenty to be grateful for, thanks to your friends and network. This full moon squares off with lucky Jupiter, amplifying your winnings or success.

You’re finding ways to financially support your hopes and dreams as the sun clashes with Jupiter on January 27, cluing you into donors or funds. Even if your dreams are weird or haven’t been done before, you’re inventing a future for yourself as Uranus ends its retrograde on January 27. 

Also on January 27, Mercury meets Mars, speeding up any conversations that are unfolding with your partner. This might look like a plan, a commitment, blunt and direct confrontations, or all of the above.

Satisfying long-term partnerships are enabled as Venus harmoniously connects with Saturn, the planet of commitments, and then Jupiter, the planet of success, both on January 28. Both stability and freedom are accessible. Conversations about freedom and independence in relationships are explored as Mercury harmonizes with Uranus on January 28.

Mars also harmonizes with Uranus on January 29, which can manifest as a direct push toward freedom, independence, and rebellion. Loyalty doesn’t disqualify partnerships from spontaneity, trying new things, or having a little fun.

Good luck, Cancer, see you in February!