This story is over 5 years old.


Why 'Game of Thrones' Lost Its Magic

Where will all the clicks go now that it's over?
​Image courtesy of HBO, Daenerys sitting at the banquet table in Winterfell
Image courtesy of HBO

So. Game of Thrones is finally over. Through ups and downs, good seasons and bad, it seemed like the entire world was watching. And when something has that much attention, even the smallest change gets noticed. This week on Waypoints, Austin brings us an article on how the final seasons of Game of Thrones shifted storytelling styles, and we discuss how those changes manifested in a season that has a lot of people scratching their heads if they're not outright disappointed. He's also brought an article asking what happens to website traffic when a cultural phenomenon ends, and why so many sites, regardless of focus, ran articles on Game of Thrones. Rob then brings us an amazing interview with Magic Johnson on why he spectacularly quit his job with the Lakers, and the crew discusses why he can just up and do that. Discussed: The Real Reason Fans Hate the Last Season of Game of Thrones, What Time Does the Game of Thrones Traffic End?, Magic Johnson says Lakers GM was 'backstabbing', Home Movies


This episode contains spoilers for all of Game of Thrones!

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